What we do

Futurology is the study of what is to come - forecasting the future from present trends and current developments. 

Our methodology is cross-disciplinary and multi-dimensional.

Our job is to tell you what you don't already know - what's coming down the track in geopolitics, economics, business, society, and more. 

Our aim is to help you prepare by spotting trends and reading signs few are aware of - keeping you ahead of the game and helping you avoid being wrong-footed. 

Our promise is to help sort "noise" from the underlying signal, challenge cognitive bias and established viewpoints, and correct failures of analysis. 

Our guarantee is to provide a fresh perspective. And remember: forewarned is forearmed. 

The future is already here. Fast Forward Futures can help you navigate it. 

We do not give investment advice

We do not give investment advice

Fast Forward Futures is a partnership operating under English law