Fast Forward Futures

The old order is crumbling

New paradigms apply

Change is here to stay

If you're satisfied with the orthodoxy of governmental insiders, group-think of the corporate mainstream and conventionality of much of the consultancy industry, don't come to us. But if you're searching for something radical, challenging, and genuinely different, you're in the right place.

Successful leaders get the big calls right, communicate effectively, oversee implementation of strategy, and drive plans through to conclusion. But without reliable intelligence, leaders are flying blind. Failures of leadership and intelligence across the board suggest something is going seriously wrong with the Western way of doing things. 

And all this as the world becomes more complex and more dangerous.

In this changing environment, checking basic assumptions regularly is vital. Human instinct is to reject information that challenges our established worldviews and to close ranks in the face of threat or challenge. No individual, no country, and no system is immune. Political examples are legion - from Britain's unwillingness on the eve of the First World War to accept that Germany might invade (and defeat) Russia, to Stalin's blindness over Hitler's invasion plans, to Israel being caught off guard in the Yom Kippur war, and again in Gaza. But the same applies across every sphere, whether it be the global financial crisis of 2008-09, Covid 19, or business failures like the demise of Kodak. History shows that leaders who are serious about being prepared need people ready to imagine the inconceivable and to say what others will not.

What was once adequate is no longer so. Broad theorising isn't enough. Slick packaging of what you can work out for yourself won't cut it. You need specifics. In geopolitics. In ideas and ideology. In business. For times of peace and times of war.

You may not agree with everything we say, but we guarantee to make you think.

We do not give investment advice

We do not give investment advice

Fast Forward Futures is a partnership operating under English law